Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Going Merry by Satoshi Araki

To be frank, I seldom feature fellow modelers' work here. But one in awhile, one such great work comes along and stop me in my tracks! I just have to blog about it and share with you guys!  I am never a fan one One-Piece anime. And Bandai's recent releases of the its kits hardly interest me. But one day, this appeared on my Facebook and I was literally blown away! You can say I was dumbfounded and scared shit both at the...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


And finally he's done. Waylander's Age trilogy! To complete all three in such a short time requires tremendous effort and patience. This guy is on fire!  AGE AMPHION TITUS JUGGERNAUT [HEAVY ARMS] ZEPHYR [SPALLOW STEALTH BLADE] ...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers' Day, mum..

All I can give you are roses.That is the only thing I can do...  Every year this day, I am always moody. Because I have been missing someone. I decided to pay her a visit with both my kids. I bet that she misses them. I miss her too. Almost five years have passed since she moved on, but it still feel like yesterday. Some days I wake up, feeling a void in my heart. I dread that. I hate it. But you know, you can't help it. Gradually I...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

LBX Elysion

I am beginning to like these Little Battlers aka  LBX. Well, initially I find them pretty kiddish looking and they somehow reminds me of Pokemon and Digimon. But I had the chance to build one several months ago and realized there kits are pretty fun to build. And since you can interchange the limbs and torsos, there is room for lots of variations.  Here is my second LBX todate, LBX Elysion...  ...

Gaianotes Black Primer

Bought myself a couple of bottles of Gaianotes this afternoon. Thought that I could give this product a try. My preference is still grey primers and there are very few instances that I need to use black primers. I was painting the LBX Elysion and so decided to use the black primer as a base for my metals.  After applying it to a few pieces, I realized that it cures pretty fast and give you this really smooth surface. But it...

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I thought I am give myself a pat on my back after my Age in double quick time. But this guy got to get the better of me. Right after Amphion, Waylander went on to finish Titus with an alternative colour scheme complete with a pair of gatling guns. Talk about speed.  Alright, for more pics of this interesting build, please visit his blog at Titus Juggernaut [Heavy Arms]. Enjoy!  ...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gundam Age-1 Zethus

Most people I met said Age-1 Normal is a boring kit. Well, that is precisely what I want to demonstrate that with a attractive colour scheme and appropriate kit bashing , you still can produce decent work. So when Hobby Art Gallery decided to use MG Gundam Age-1 for their latest group build, I bought my first Age-1 from them.  I wanted this to be a fast and simple build so that I can resume work on my World Cup entry....

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