Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iron-Blooded Orphans [G-Tekketsu]

I have not seen so much hype and excitement over a new Gundam series for a long time. So this came as a surprise to me as well. I don't have much information yet but this looks really promising. I'm digging the design of the new mech although I can't put a "Gundam" to it. Well, I guess it's a matter of accepting that Gundam designs has to evolve somehow.   Looking forward to the actual product release for me!  Airing October 4th, 2015 on TBS/MBS' Sunday 5pm slot - Directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai - Written by Mari Okada - The...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gallery revamped

Well, after more than 4 hours, I managed to put most of my works in thumbnails in the Gallery page of my blog! Phew... having sore shoulders now. I'm loving what I see. Hopefully, I can add more new works to the gallery soon! Watch this page. :)  ...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Metal Build Amatsu (First Look)

Well, this Metal Build is a pleasant surprise! I like it instantly. Done in high gloss with an almost perfect finish, you cant resist it! ...

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