Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

A little peek into my modelling life (Part 1)

Just a few days ago I have Mr Ken Chuang (a fellow modeler) asking me why am I so motivated, doing kit after kit. Well, that question really stumped me a little. I have been fiddling with tools and Gundam kits everyday that it's like second nature to me. I realized I have not given it much consideration though.I could still remember the day I received my first pay check back in 2001 and almost immediately I splurged half of it buying my first compressor...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Strike Gundam + I.W.S.P

After finishing the Kampfer, I immediately went to finish up my Strike Gundam I.W.S.P. I did the Strike Gundam at least three times so it was pretty routine except for the I.W.S.P. Detailed up the kit as usual and most probably I will be true to the original colour scheme. You can't do much poses with this one as it is quite bulky. It doesn't help either when the gatling gun cum shield upset the balance of the kit due to its weight.Nonetheless,...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wing Gundam Version Ka.

Did this one back in 2005. Only managed to take photos of it when I took it off the display at a local model shop. At that point of time, I wanted to focus more on my paint job rather than modifications. So this one is basically OOB (Out-of-Box) I like the pastels like colours on the final product. However, a problem surfaced after a few months. Mould started appearing on the kit. It has never happen to any of my works. If I am not wrong, I was...

Monday, July 2, 2007

MS-18E Kampfer [Kanji] Custom - Finished!

Finished this around 5 am this morning. And I must say just in time too! Sigh... time management is really not my forte. Got to leave this until the eleventh hour before it's done. And to cap it off, it's Monday! Got to drag myself to work with barely one and the half hour sleep, YAAWWNN.....Back to the topic.... This kit took me about two months to finish on the average of three hours per day. Overall the whole experience was pretty enjoyable except...

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