Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Another set back?

Just came back from another medical review. My platelet count went up to 37000! Cause for celebrations? Not so, the doctor pointed out to me that with the amount of medication I'm taking, my platelet level is going up too slow; which is a cause for concern. Well, back to square one, I guess. The doctor then explained to me alternative medications that may be used to treat my condition. However, the side effects.... urghhh...(I think there is no need for me to elaborate further) He's actually reluctant to let me take those medication anyway considering...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Coming home

Just went back to work and things seem to be back to normal. I am trying to get back to my old routine and slowly get back to life as it is. At the end of the day, I stepped out of the office like a battered soldier. Tired and a bit restless, I decided to take a slow walk home to calm my frayed nerves.And the trip back home was indeed a nostalgic one. As I walked, I came across paths that mum and I would used to take. Suddenly, these memories overwhelmed...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Timely review

After been so messed up at work and constantly plagued by other niggling problems for like eternity, I was "gifted" with a timely "vacation" (No thanks to my illness of course!).Well, with nothing esle to do for the past three weeks, I started to re-evaluate my life and priorities. It's quite startling how much I have under-achieved. I have thought of a great deal of things. And having a blog really helps since I can write these down and refer to them later. It sort of "tidy" up my problems and gives me a clearer picture/perspective at the same...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Long road to recovery

Just went for my first consultation yesterday since discharge and test results still show a low blood platelet count of 16,000 which was previously 22,000, gulp..... It seems like the only thing effective about the steroids are the side effects. The doctor explaind to me the mid and long-term effects that I may suffer and I was thinking whether it was worth the trouble. I am beginning to feel aches and pains on my legs, shoulders and back. I felt...

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