Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

A new craze

Caught a bad bug recently. The "Kamen Rider (KR)" bug to be exact. It started off with pain and aches in all my joints, that was right after I finished the MG Son Gokou for Leon Chen. And the symptoms got progressively worse after I saw Leon Ku's Mask Rider Accel .  So I went to Hobby Art Clinic (HAG) and the friendly doctor prescribed me with two types of medicine, antibiotic - MR "Cyclone Joker" and muscle relaxant -...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Europe Gunpla Cup 2011

My fellow modellers over at MACforums have just announced the first Europe Gunpla Cup. Strictly for our European friends, MACforums will be hosting this competition and rules are as follows...

Monday, April 11, 2011

1/8 MG Son Gokou

I have being working on this for the past one week. A break from Gunpla (not that I need it) but something refreshing. Bandai has been producing these MG figures but I did not attempt to do them. I personally do not like the joints although it provide articulation. Nevertheless, I gave it a try and it didn't turn out to be that bad. In fact, I enjoyed the process!  This would be my first figure and I was like painting for the "first" time...

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