Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Zoids Group Build 2013

I have to admit. I am stunned by the strong turnout for the Zoids Group Build 2013 at Hobby Art @ Work. To be very frank, I expected many to fall out as the deadline approaches. But I was given a pleasant surprise by everyone! More than 15 Zoids were submitted! And the quality was pretty impressive as well....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

HMM Iron King (Warmachine Version)

The craze started in November last year. While seeking to take a break from Gunpla, I chanced upon Kel Vinci's Berserk Fuhrer and the Zoids "bug" caught me instantly. Then I started hunting for these Highend Master Models or in short "HMM" Zoids. And before long, my collection grew to the point I had to clear out some of my Gundam stashes. ...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Always on my mind...

"Always". After five long years, I have never stop thinking of you every single day. It's like a daily ritual. Something I have to do at the beginning of the day. It gives me strength and hope to move forward. On some days, the silly side of me will wake up half expecting you to be in the kitchen preparing breakfast. If memories are tangible, I would hang on to them for dear life.  Because time hurts memories. Images become blur,...

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