Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Monday, March 26, 2012


Yeah, this blog needs a change and I am working on it now. I downloaded a template online and now fiddling with the HTML. I'm a complete noob when it comes to editing HTML. Headache.....So bear with me for awhile folks....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

MG RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee - First Look

I'm kinda tired of all the Unicorns and Sinanjus by now. But I just have to give this a try. The Unicorn FA was impressive but this one is really the icing on the cake. Perhaps it's the freaking awesome claws (Armed Armor) or the gold colour psycho frame, Banshee appeals to me more.  Like the previous versions, construction will be more complex since it can transforms into two modes, Unicorn and Destroy.  ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Japan Trip March 2012

So I am back and loving it. Why? Japan is a fantastic place but I was ill prepared. Temperatures during the day hovers between 5 to 9 degrees and plunges to less than 3 degree at night. A "chilling" experience you can see. Speaking of chills, I have something to share with you guys later.  And, I got the chance to experience snow for the first time, a brief hail storm and even tremors! You can say its the complete tour package. While my...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Toymaker goes Japan!

Yes! Like what  the title says, I'm going to Japan tonight! My last trip there was 10 years ago. So I am pretty excited about it.  Being a Gunpla hobbists, I am like returning to the motherland of Gundams. I will visit as many hobby stores as possible over the span of 8 days. Mission: to research what makes our Japanese counterparts tick? Looking at completed models on magazine help very little. But seeing...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Transformers Cybertron Con - Very soon..

 Some new updates on the even itself...  STELLAR LINE UP UNVEILED AHEAD OF RESORTS WORLD ™ SENTOSA TRANSFORMERS CYBERTRON CON 2012 Fans to look forward to expert panel sessions, Con exclusives, 50 customised model kits and more. Singapore, 4 March 2012 – With less than a week remaining to the biggest TRANSFORMERS event to hit Southeast Asia, branded play company, Hasbro (Singapore), the organisers for the upcoming...

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