Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

This hobby.... is it for you?

This is an interesting article. I don't really trust online researches these days but having a hobby does make one happier. And I'm not just referring to Gunpla. It could be anything you like to do. It just has to be something you enjoy doing and derive satisfaction from it. You don't even have to be good at it as long as you spend quality time. Coming back to this hobby, yeah it's a lot of fun. I have been doing the same thing for over a decade...

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Battle Of The Toys 2016

One of the perks of being a modeler is being able to visit exhibitions, competitions and numerous events related to Gunpal and toys. And this is one of them. As Hobby Art gang was invited to showcase their range of E7 Model Paint at the event, I asked to tag along for the show.  ...

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dreaming the impossible dream

"I dare to dream." This is by far my most ambitious project.   Since Hobby Art Gallery (HAG) will be having her long awaited Tetsujin competition in 2017,  I thought this will be a good opportunity to show everyone the prowess of HAG's resident modeler!  Me!   So I gave myself this ridiculous challenge.   Six months...  Six months to remodel and recreate the Deepstriker in my vision.  Six months to...

The art of scribing lines and making notches

Before I start, a disclaimer of sorts. I just want to stress that I am no expert in scribing and detailing. But I do have a certain level of proficiency that is good enough for me to get by. The tools and methods I mentioned below are derived from practice and experience I accumulated over the years. So it might not work for others.  When I started out in 2002-2004, scribing panel lines was unheard of. The first person who mentioned it...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Graze Asura

This is my latest work I named as Asura Graze. This build is actually part of a group build involving several modelers from various countries. It's called the Clash of the Titans Group Build. It's probably a first of its kind GB and hopefully it won't be the last one. ...

Sunday, June 5, 2016

GBWC Singapore 2016 - My views.

GBWC is early for Singaporeans this year. And it caught many off-guard. Although it was announced that it will happen in June since January this year, many folks are just not used to GBWC this part of the year. It will need some getting used to. We are like one of the earliest countries to kick off this competition. And this shows in the pathetic turn-out this round. A miserly 60 plus entries across all categories. I can't...

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