Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The collection so far...

Yes, I have been distracted recently. You can see I'm sidetracking from Gunpla a bit. Or maybe not... I am always fascinated with dinosaurs and robots, so with Zoids, you get both.  To be frank, I started having Zoids when I was less than 10 years old. I had a handful of Tomy Zoids my dad bought from Hong Kong and some hand-them-downs from relatives. But that was about all I had back then. I did buy more when I was older but the interest...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It's the time of the season again! Just want to wish everyone here Merry Christmas  and a Happy New Year!                                               "May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS" ...

Monday, December 24, 2012

My Thoughts On GBWC 2012 Winners

Alright, GBWC is finally over! First and foremost, let me congratulate all the winners especially Eday from Hong Kong. And not to forget all the finalists and other contestants from their respective countries. You guys should give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.  Well, I have decided to write my thoughts about the 3 winning entries at GBWC 2012. I like to stress that these views you find here are solely my opinions...

Friday, December 14, 2012

First Look - Nu Gundam Ver. Ka

This one is probably on everyone's "want" list. And rightfully so. The previous Master Grade version suffered from poor proportion and limited articulation. So this new addition is very much welcomed. Especially when it is produced by the great mecha designer, Hajime Katoki himself. ...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

There she goes again...

It has been a long time since she came to me in my dreams. I was just thinking about her the other day. So caught up with life that I have little time for her. Come of think of it, maybe I have moved on (whatever that means)... Well until last night. ...

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Ok, we got carried away.  Rather than settle for one quick-build Gundam each, Waylander wants to add another model to the build, a Zoid. We going to make it as a recon unit. This could turn out to be something interesting. So your bet is on whose? LOL...  Buster + Saber Tiger Combo  Duel + Shadow Fox Combo Anyway, I came across a similar build at Gundam Guy. A 1/144 Jesta and Saber Tiger. A very unique...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

MG Duel Gundam -First Look

These days, there is hardly anything bad to  say about the newer Master Grades. Quality has improved a lot. Take for example the MG Duel Gundam, I did a quick assembly of the kit without any treatment just to have a feel of it.  The redesign is great.  Assault Shroud armors integrated nicely.  Main articulation joints are pretty taut and secured.  Zero seam lines to treat. Great proportion (doesn't look...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A wonderful day

Obviously the BEST part about this hobby is that I found my second family, Hobby Art Gallery (HAG). If not for the folks there, I would not have sustain for so long in this hobby.  There is never a dull time when I'm with them. It does helps when all of us have something in common.  It has been 10 long years and HAG is still going strong. In fact, they have grown from strength to strength. Personally, I feel that this hobby...

Duel and Buster combo

Spent the last few hours working on this but only managed to assemble the Duel without the Assault Shroud. This build will be a collaboration with Waylander, who is currently working on the Buster Gundam. It will be a speed build and OOB with alternate colour schemes.  ...

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