Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gundam Epyon by Leon Ku

It has been quite some time since I blogged about someone's work. Today, I had the opportunity to view this one up close and used my camera phone to take close shots of it. This was one of the entries at GBWC Singapore 2011 and to me, the most underrated work. I do not understand why this entry did not made it to the top 3. I pinned it down to the inadequate lighting and unimpressive display area offered by the organizers. Questioning the Judges'...

Valvrave III - First Look

Since my last review on Valvrave I, I have watch 10 episodes of the anime. And to be frank, I lose interest at episode 5. I continued watching because of Valvrave III. At least the mechas are interesting! ...

Friday, June 14, 2013


Seriously, this is becoming a joke. I have local lads coming to me every few days asking when is our GBWC. I have looked into my crystal ball several times but saw nothing. It's all smoke. All I can say is based on experience, year end competitions traditionally happen in late October or early November. So I assume Bandai will make announcements this month or the next, giving us a head start of about three months (and I sincerely hope...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

GMG Sazabi (modeled by Johmny)

I seldom feature works of other modelers here. But damn! this is one really sweet Sazabi!  And how I wish it was me who did this. This is what Formania Sazabi should look like with lower torso/legs. Apart from all the amazing details and the perfect paint job, what really makes this kit stands out is the colour scheme.  You never see it coming. And bang! One white demon smacked in your face. I admire the modeler's courage and his...

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