I was reading Waylander's post, "8 Mobile Suits that should get the MG treatment?" just now and it occurred to me that I should have my own list as well!
Firstly, I agree with Waylander's views on the upcoming releases. "limited edition" clear parts, web limited exclusives, reissues in OVA, extra shield here and an extra bozooka there. Not really exciting times for modelers like me. I reserve my views on Sinanju Stein until I get hold of it. And beyond that, the only thing that actually caught my attention is MG Jesta. Surprise me Bandai...
Well, on to my list of mobile suits that deserves MG treatment...
This one got to right up the wishlists of many of you, mine included. But this seems remote. Gundam X just got "axed" I guess..
If Aegis, Duel, Blitz and Buster can get MG treatment why not the other three from 00 especially Dynames? Sure, just wait for its ten years anniversary. A special re-re-re-remeister-remuster-rebooted edition. maybe?
Probably the coolest mecha from the most unpopular Gundam series ever. Turn X anyone?
Yup, still my favourite badass Gundam. Afterall, MG Freedom needs a sparring partner right?
If they ever make this, it will be probably be as massive as Dendrobium (Or even larger)? But the odds are heavily stacked against us.

Tallgeese I is out, version II a web limited release. Number III seems imminent right? Well, don't get your hopes up too high first. Hold on to your old HGs. You might need to do conversions later...
OK, this one seems irrelevant (nice one by WonderExcellence btw). But the MG version is over 10 years now. A revision is long overdue. Version 2.0 or Version KA? Nu just got a makeover, it's about time this guy get one too.
Last but not least, this will be selling like hotcakes if Bandai ever produce it in MG format. But OPS, think I just stumble upon the "PG" version LOL... Looks like at least somebody out there is paying attention to what we modelers or collectors want....
That about wraps up everything. Or maybe not. One last question, KOTOBUKIYA! Why you no release MAD THUNDER! Ggggggrrrr..........
+1 to your last comment. hahaha...but if Koto would to release a MT, I would die a very happy man.
I would totally get a Deepstriker... kstrysha (however you spell it) is a must for an mg... (I don't see why they don't work harder to make one...) Turn X is pretty cool too very underrated I agree.
Turn X, Sumo, Providence and Legend!
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