I started Gunpla because of Gundum Wing anime. And besides Wing Gundam, the other mecha I like is Tailgeese, especially the first version. Why, simply because it's awesome and can match up to the Wing easily. I like the design too. A mecha with that "old school" look.
Needless to say, I have the whole collection of HGs from that series. In fact, I bought two boxes of each Gundam. My plans were to MG-ized the five famous Gundams and Tailgeese. Luckily, my procrastination and the lack of skill delayed the project. Eventually, Bandai released all of them in MG format. Wonder what will be the next one? Am hoping for the Serpent (wishful thinking on my part).

This is the old HG Tallgeese III. It comes with optional parts for you to convert to either Tallgeese I, II or III. Why can't Bandai do that for the MG version? Here's why... online exclusive... I don't know what's this all about. You make it exclusive and only available in Japan? And expect me to pay a premium for it!? Nah, I'll pass...
Well, back to the review. Generally, assembly is relatively simple. Just 13 runners, it took me approximately 3 hours or less to finish assemble it.
Unopened HG Tailgeeses, what am I going to do with them?
Internal frame for the shoulder.
Yeah, the side armors can be secured to the thighs.
Opened up thrusters and rear boosters, pretty impressive.
I really love this dashing pose, classic!
This piece of white armor at the ankle tends to "pops" out easily when I was posing the kit.
There is a spring mechanism at the rifle. Still trying to figure out what it's for. Seems redundant though...
Comparison between the old HG (OMG! Seamlines!!!) and the MG version.
Overall, this kit is pretty solid with no major issues or NFNP (No Funnels, No Problem). I got feedbacks that it look somewhat stocky. It may be its fat thighs and bulky armors at the hips. The elbow joints tends to "pop" out easily too. And there may be weight issues because of the jet packs.
Nevertheless, it is still a nice kit to have and especially when you are a Wing Gundam fan. So what next, Bandai? MG Tallgeese III? It better be...
Do your own Tallgeese III conversion with the MG Tallgeese I =)
(pardon my silly questions) What happens to a kit like this after a "first look"? Do you then take it apart completely to re-build it properly?
Most of them I put back into the boxes. Some for future projects and the rest, I plan to paint them OOB for displays at Hobby Art Gallery and Hobby Art @ Work.
Good insight. Many thanks. Will look out for them at HAG.
You got the MG Tallgeese! Looks cool. I personally hope they don't release the MG Tallgeese III or else I will never find enough motivation to finish my HG 1/144 Tallgeese III modifications... Or just make it another exlusive. Hahaha selfish me.
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