Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nemesis by Jaef Liang (GBWC Singapore 2015)

They say old dogs cannot learn new tricks. But when I see Jaef Liang's GBWC entry this year, I know that statement is not so true afterall. ...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

PG Perfect Strike by Toymaker

After two long years, that PG Strike is finally done. It has been a long journey. Full of ups and downs. There were times I almost threw in the towel as I was simply too tired to carry on with this project. Technically, it was a very challenging project. And it was pretty taxing on my mental state as well. But I walked away with valuable experience.  It is not my most "Perfect" Perfect Strike. But it will do for now as I continue to work...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

My home, my Singapore

Singapore is celebrating its 50 years of independence this year. And I must say I have never been more proud of being a Singaporean than this day. What I have today I have to thank my pioneers, who worked hard to make Singapore what it is today. We are enjoying their fruits of labour now. My children will never understand the instability, uncertainty and even chaos in old days. Neither will I! I was born in 1978. And I have to say my generation...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iron-Blooded Orphans [G-Tekketsu]

I have not seen so much hype and excitement over a new Gundam series for a long time. So this came as a surprise to me as well. I don't have much information yet but this looks really promising. I'm digging the design of the new mech although I can't put a "Gundam" to it. Well, I guess it's a matter of accepting that Gundam designs has to evolve somehow.   Looking forward to the actual product release for me!  Airing October 4th, 2015 on TBS/MBS' Sunday 5pm slot - Directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai - Written by Mari Okada - The...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gallery revamped

Well, after more than 4 hours, I managed to put most of my works in thumbnails in the Gallery page of my blog! Phew... having sore shoulders now. I'm loving what I see. Hopefully, I can add more new works to the gallery soon! Watch this page. :)  ...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Metal Build Amatsu (First Look)

Well, this Metal Build is a pleasant surprise! I like it instantly. Done in high gloss with an almost perfect finish, you cant resist it! ...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Petit'G Guy Group Build by HAW

Another successful group build! Yes! Had lots of fun today. I always like these meets as I get to mingle with the local lads and get to know them better. And sometimes, I find some "gems" as well! Folks with good potential :) ...

Friday, June 5, 2015

My day at Gundam Docks

Well, what is Gundam Docks really? Well, it's basically one of the large-scale Gundam events ever to be held outside of Japan. The last one was in 2013 and was in Hong Kong. So you can say we are very privileged the Bandai decided to have one here.  This event marks the 35th anniversary of GUNDAM and to make it even more special, it is held in conjunction with Singapore's Golden Jubilee, SG50!  To commemorate this  special...

Monday, June 1, 2015

An article about my passion

Well, after years of hard work, it certainly feels good to be featured in the newspaper. This way,  I can share my passion with the world and also let my boss knows my sleeping habits! LOL...  My Hobby My Life ...

Friday, May 29, 2015

Japan Trip 2015

It was an unexpected trip. All it took was one call and I was on the way to Japan within three weeks of that call. And there I was, once again, in Japan. I wasn't looking for toys to buy. But inevitably, I ended up with a huge luggage home.  I felt more relaxed this time because I was not on a mission to break the bank or what. I'm just there to take in the scenes and soak in the atmosphere. And I did just that. Walking all over the...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Admit - Embrace - Let it go

I know today is my day. But I am just not in that celebratory mood at all. This is because there are too many tragedies around me. I was with a friend this week whose wife passed on in the most tragic of circumstances. Good friends getting sick, messed up and all. It's like every corner you turned, something bad is bound to happen. Sometimes, I hope I can actually help people rather than just offer words of advice and consolation. And I admit I...

Monday, May 11, 2015

To blog or not to?

Yes. That has been the question that has been bugging me for the longest time. Facebook has changed everything. They have make it so easy for me to upload photos, write and place links at a click that I practically post everything there. And then I can do it on my mobile phone or desktop.  But I started with blogging. My whole legacy is here. I went back to read my first post in 2006 till today. It was nostalgic and a wonderful trip back...

Strike Gundam [PG] - WIPs @ 25082014 (NEW UPDATES!)

PG Strike Gundam WIP @ 10 May 2015 Post 1 - 12 April 2012  Post 2 - 21 July 2012  Post 3 - 4 January 2013 Post 4 - 17 January 2013  Post 5 - 10 March 2013  Post 6 - 18 March 2013 Post 7 - 1 April 2013 Post 8 - 1 June 2013  Post  9 - 11 July 2013  Post 10 - 11 November 2013   Post 11 - 2 February 2014 Post 12 - 28 February 2014   Post 13 - 11 May 2014  Post 14...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

This Mother's Day...

Mother's day has always been a mixture of joy and sadness even since you left. They say time will heal everything. But I can tell you it doesn't. It only acts as an anesthetic, it numbs the pain, it makes you feel better. But when it comes, it rips you from the inside. the void that she left returns in an instance. The guilt, the disappointment and the despair. All at once.  It is so hard to move on. But I know I have to. Simply...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Back2basics HAG Group Build 2015

Wow! What a day! Just came back from the Group Build hosted by Hobby Art Group and it was a blast! The theme for the first group build of 2015 is Gundam Build Fighters. I was part of the organizing committee. And we have earlier agreed on the "back2basic" concept. Participants will have to build and paint out of the box. No modifications or alterations. So basically it's an OOB build off. We wanted to emphasize on basics like...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A trip I will never forget.

This came as a big surprise to me really. I wanted to visit the local Gunpla community in Magelang, Indonesia and ended up with more than I bargained for. I was invited as one of their special guests and Judge for the Gundam competition. This I got to thank the two organizers, Mr Ifan, owner of Blublek Studio and Parkz Toys Hobbies for making this happen. And special thanks to Adrian Hardy as well.  ...

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