Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Monday, January 31, 2011

A knife made of ceramic?

I have never heard of ceramic knives until recently. How strong is ceramic? Why is it even crafted into a knife? According to the Mohs hardness scale, a properly made ceramic knife will be rate about 8 with diamond as the hardest scoring a ten. Stainless steel gives you a rate of about 5. Now, that's something.   Being one of the hardest material on earth does have its advantages. For one the ceramic knife is so hard it can literally...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

BB Goutaitei Sonken Gundam Korinpaku (Updates)

Was suppose to finish this last night. But I did a bad job with the masking and damage some of the gold parts.  I am pretty distracted at the moment so this will be put on hold for the time being. Darn! That really spoil my mood...   @ 30/01/2011 Some updates. I have been PAINTING for like one month? Too much distractions of course. Somehow when it comes to painting SDs, I tend to lost motivation fast. I am probably used...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

DC23 vs Toymaker

DC23 verses Toymaker, a proposal that was thrown to me by who else but Mr Donc himself. A talented modeler from the Philippines, he has won several awards most notably, the overall champion for BAKUC in 2008. You can viewed his winning entry here  He is also the creator of Dc23 Mecharts, a popular blog dedicated to his hobby. Well, by mere coincidence, the both of us had the intention...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Practice makes perfect

Yesterday, I came across this interesting article in the Straits Times about gaining expertise.  It is said that for a person to be a specialist in his or her field, he or she needs to accumulate more than 10,000 hours honing his/her skills. So if we are to use four hours day and five days a week, we will achieve "expert" status in ten years.  That got me thinking,"is this applicable to Gunpla modeling?" I did some mental calculations...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Battle Ops Bumblebee - Review

I am not really a huge fan of Transformers and I do not owe one myself. But I grabbed this the moment I saw it, despite the hefty price tag. And while fiddling with it, I thought I could take some pictures and share with you guys.  My first impression of this kit is its size and weight. Slightly taller than the Sinanju, it weighs like a Perfect Grade gundam. I am amazed at the attention paid to details. It does't look that toyish...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Trinity Beasts (Updated with plot)

I'm back from Hong Kong! The BMKWC Finals was a blast and we were very very lucky to win the Group category. The other entries were terrific and I will share with you guys later. Now, I will present to you, "TRINITY". A collaboration between 5 fellow modelers with Leon as the "Director", Sam, Erik, Jaef and of course,  me, we started as soon as Shengtai announced BMKWC and introduced a Group category. Naturally,...

New page for tools and supplies

I have created a page for tools and supplies that I use in the course of modeling. Some of the methods that I may describe will be based purely on experiences  I amassed  over the years. I always believe that there is no right or wrong methods/ techniques to apply. As long as it works for you, it's fine. And if I came across interesting tools or spare parts, rest assured that I will recommend them here.  And if you do not agree with me on some of the write-outs, feel free to write or reply to the relevant post. I am not perfect...

Cutting plastic?

Ever since I started doing Gundams, I have been using Taimya side cutters. They are probably the best available in the market but you have to pay a premium for it. Hence when I was asked to test this pair from Hobbymate, I was quite skeptic about its performance.  Imagine my surprise when I tried cutting a part of plastic. It slices through with minimum effort. In fact, I need more effort with the Tamiya cutters. The handles...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A recap and some thoughts

It's already a week into the 2011. Everybody has already set their new year resolutions. As for me, I do not have that practice. But I thought it may be better to write about my thoughts for 2010. This blog serves as a diary to me after all.  The highlight of this year is of course the arrival of my daughter, Ashley. I am never complete without my family. It has been a difficult three years for me ever since my mum left me and it...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Backpack explanation for SInanju FWS (or sort of)

After my Sinanju FWS, I have received a lot of queries on how I attach another set of thrusters to the back. Well, I went through my photos and realize that I do not have any WIP pictures to explain. Luckily, I have a young friend who manged to do just that and I "borrowed" a picture from him for reference.  As I am doing more kit bashing lately, it is hardly surprising that I buy two of the same kit at one time.  Thanks to mabheq...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and I am hope that this year will be as exciting as 2010. The local gunpla scene is warming up nicely. I see more people moving on to painting their kits which is very encouraging. Bandai seems to intensify their marketing strategy here and to me, it is a good thing. I am already looking forward to this year's Gundam Fiesta. What is my resolution for this year? Simple, build more Gundams. 5 Kits in 2009, a miserable 3 in 2010. That is one statistic I want to improve. Looking at my report card for this year,...

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