Bearguy III

Build Fighter

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Time really flies. Before I know it, it's already the last day of 2011. Well it is the time for me to review my performance for the whole year. Well, aside from the everyday issues at work, I have a relatively peaceful year.  I was upset when I couldn't complete my O for GBWC 2011. I felt that this guy deserves a better stage than my old dusty display case.  Nevertheless, it turned out much better than I expected.  2012....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dual Model Kit Optimus Prime - First Look

Been busy lately. I have been building four kits simultaneously and this is probably my first attempt at an non Bandai "BD" model. Manufactured by Takara Tomy "TT", this Dual Model Kit OP is a very detailed. Although the skeleton has been pre-assembled, it still took me some time to assemble the whole kit. All I can say is we modelers have been pampered by "BD" a lot.  The box is about the size of FA Unicorn Gundam but weighs...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MG Full Armor Unicorn Gundam Ver.Ka - First Look

I made good use of the extended holidays to build this one. A whopping 36 runners, it took me approximately 4 hours just to snap this kit. You can say it's a lot of parts to manage.  As expected, nothing is done to improve the range of movement at the knees. There are a few seam lines to work on especially those on the beam rifles and the propellant tanks. The additional weapons is one plus point to me. I could do with a few boxes...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Gunpla Builders World Cup (GBWC) 2011 results

As most of you should know by now, results for GBWC 2011 are out. This year, the Grand Champion is from Malaysia, Mr Jeff Ho! Obviously his entry titled "Kshatriya IV", won the hearts of the Judges. Well, this one gets my vote too! Once again, congrats to him.  ...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

G-Shot 2011

Gundam Guy / GG Infinite will be hosting G-Shot Gunpla Photo Contest which started in November 2011. Basically, this is a worldwide online Gunpla contest where participants submit photos of their completed model kits. There are five categories to compete in:- 1.  Best Gunpla Photo - A gunpla image that would 'WOW' the judges.  It doesn't matter whether the photo is from a diorama, customized...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gundam Age -1 Normal 1/48 (First Look)

1/48. All I can say is it is HUGE! It's like a blown up 1/144 scale Gundam. With no internal skeleton, I finished snapping this under an hour. Construction is so simple, I had my son to build a few parts for me. The major seam lines are at the calves, forearms and the head. The rest can be easily tackled. Although this is like a Non-Grade kit, the details on it are surprisingly good. As for articulation, don't expect much. Oh, and this comes with...

Monday, December 12, 2011

2011 Ora-Zaku Championship

I always look forward to buying the January issue of Hobby Japan every year. This is because there will be an article on the annual All Japan "Ora Zaku" Championship in Japan. To me, this event is like the "Premier League" equivalent of all Gunpla competitions that include BAKUC, GBWC etc... This is where all the heavy weights cross swords, pitting against one other with skills, creativity and ingenuity. The works on display...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Strike Gundam [PG] - First Look

I decided to spend some time to work on the PG Strike last evening. No matter how many times I do this, it always look so daunting at first. So many runners and parts! Well, I have been asked to do a PG Strike together with the 3 striker systems namely launcher, sword and Aile Strikers.  As explained earlier, I won't be simply slap on the 1/60 Non Grade Aile Striker parts on the PG Strike and call it a final product. I will probably do...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

LBX Lucifer - First Look

I just got this in the evening and thought that I could do a little review on it. This is my second LBX model after LBX Odin. Construction is relatively simple. I have it snapped within 20 mins and I did not even use my pliers.  ...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Batam Trip 2011

For the past few months, I have been rushing for Gunpla Builders World Cup and been to hell and back. In the end, I still came up short. But to thank my wife and co for been so understanding during this period (I know some of you might have been murdered by your spouse), we went on a weekend getaway to Batam, Indonesia. To be frank, I thought I was not going to enjoy this trip as there are no shopping, not much activities and, no...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Getting down to work

With Gunpla Builders World Cup over, it is time to get down to business. I have  three outstanding commissions on hand.  Perfect Grade Strike Gundam The plan was to create three striker systems in Perfect Grade format. I will be using the non grade 1/60 Striker set for this conversion. This will be a very interesting and  challenging project for me.  ...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Singapore Gundam Expo 2011

I went down to Gunpla Expo 2011 this evening to have a better look of the entries. I felt that there is a dip in standards this year. That could be because of new participants entering the fray, I did saw a lot of unfamiliar names. If this is the case, then it is a very encouraging sign. Old folks like me could call it a day and let the young generation take over. Anyway, I took some entries selectively (it was very crowded)...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The-O (Odin) MG - WIPS

I managed to downloaded all the WIP shots. I took them entirely with my Samsung Galaxy S2. This phone has never let me down so far.  Order of the photos are pretty random in order. But they will probably give you an insight of my thought process throughout the whole build. I decided to created a page for all my WIPs for future works and make this a habit. Hopefully I can have a huge library of WIPs in time to come.  Enjoy... ...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A new focus

I need to rest. Period. I have been sleeping 2-3 hours every night for the past two months. Right now, I want to  give my body a break and shut out everything else. I learnt a valuable lesson than Gunpla itself today. It shook me to the core, no doubt about it. I like to tell you all a little bit more. Why we work so hard for Gunpla over the years? For passion? For awards? To be frank, I gained something that outshine everything else, "friendship". The friendship I gained with all the folks at HAG/ HAW and Leon Ku especially, makes me...

Monday, November 14, 2011

The O

OK. This ain't finished. That's the bottom line. I still have tons of decals to add and I have not even finish the BFG and base. But nevertheless, I will post some pictures of it since Mr Donc has already done up his. THe purpose of this build is to give the O an overhaul. I guess by now you guys have seen enough of those monstrous versions. So I have decided on the onset to do a "slim" version of the O. Of course there are not a single...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Should I?

Yes, that's the question. I bought this on impulse and I am not really into cars. But I always respect the modelers as building these four wheelers is tedious and perfection is a must. I will probably do this once I am free from my other projects. Who knows, I might actually like it....  ...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gundam Expo and other updates

15 November 2011. Mark your calendars guys! Gunpla Expo is finally coming to Singapore! This Gunpla exclusive event is finally making coming to our shores. Personally, I am pretty excited about this. Why? Because I bet the organizers will make this a grand event. Some of the highlights of this event include:-  1. Introduction of the brand new series, Gundam Age.  2. Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011 (Singapore)...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mad rush to the finishing line!

The finishing line is in sight! As you can see, most of the products are up on the shelves. What a sight! With the retail side done, the  guys at HAG can concentrate on the work area for students/ modelers. I am really looking forward to this. Finally a place in Singapore where local Gunpla/ Sci-Fi modelers can learn and exchange ideas, and most importantly, HAG hopes to foster Gunpla culture here and encourage and inspire people...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hard at Work

I drop by the workshop today. The guys were busily assembling furniture. Now the workshop is beginning to take shape. I am looking towards the days when I can work on my projects here. Hobby Art @ Work will begin operating on the 18th of October 2011. This is next Tuesday! However the official launch is  scheduled on the 5th of November. Address:                 12 Arumugam Road,...

Customized HG BearGuy @ Gunpla Expo

Listen up Bearguy lovers! I just receive news that November's Gunpla Expo @ Compass Point, Singapore will be featuring customized Bearguys at the event! This is the chance for you to have your customized bearguy displayed at the event! All you need to do is to take front and rear photos of your kit and submit to '' by 28 October 2011. 30 entries will be selected and 3 best entries will get a exclusive expo...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Moving up the next level

2002 was the year I discovered Hobby Art Gallery (HAG). 10 years on, they are still going strong and if not, even stronger than before! I always have a special place for HAG as the folks there played a very important role in my hobby. But I leave this story for another post at another day as I have very exciting news to share with you guys.  Yes! HAG ver.2 is going coming! I always believe that this day will come and not a day too...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's raining again...

Today is my mum's death anniversary. I woke up early as my family were planning to pray at the temple. I looked out of the window and the weather, gloomy, just like last year. It's certainly a reflection of my mood. By the time I reached the temple, it was raining cats and dogs. Standing in the rain, I looked up at the heavens expecting an answer. "Why?" I asked. Why make me go through all this? The wind felt like ice, so cold it hurts. No answer, nothing. Just the wind howling. It is so unreal. Like a sad movie that keeps on playing, and...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

MG Delta Plus (Red version)

I have being gunning for this one before it's release. So when I got hold of it, all other projects were dropped temporarily to do this.  Basically an OOB work, I decided to brush up my metallic finishing. All parts were painted silver with gloss black as base. And I applied different shades of red for various parts. ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MG Exia Shadow Mode by Waylander

Waylander's latest work is up! Welcome to the dark side! (Oh I just have to say this!)  I thought this is a interesting colour scheme and very well executed. Everyone love their Gundams to be in stealth mode these days.  For more pictures, please head over to his blog at MG Exia Shadow Mode. Thank...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What a trip!

Ever since I decided to attend MAC First Anniversary Party, I have been looking forward to it. I always love to meet fellow Gunpla modelers from overseas. This time, I decided to grab Benjamin, Yihui and Edmund with me to meet our  friends from the Philippines. However the day  I was supposed to leave, I have been told that my Godmother has passed away. I attended the wake and paid my respects before leaving for Philippines...

An abandoned project

In case some of you might be wondering what you saw on my previous post "Questions to be answered post", I managed to salvage some pictures of a project I abandoned when it was announced that our mid year competition was integrated into Gunpla Builders World Cup 2011. It was supposed to be a GN-X variation. A targeting system attached to its head and equipped with a sniper weapon. But with the O face off with DC23 looming...

Friday, August 26, 2011

MAC Anniversary 2011 party

So this is it, tomorrow the team of Poison Monkeys will be going to Philippines for the first MAC Anniversary party! Izakku, Waylander, Edmund (Hobbymate) and me will be meeting the team at MAC forums and the man himself, DC23! Nothing beats meeting face-to-face, we have lots of ideas and techniques to discuss, share and learn together! This is going to be a blast!  See you guys soon! ...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Delta Plus - Internal frame painted!

Finished painting the internal frame last night. Progress is a bit slow because I am down with flu since Sunday. The medication says "May cause drowsiness, do not operate machinery" lol...  Anyway, I did not prime but applied gloss black on bare plastic. Then I use Gaiacolour 020 Gunmetal on it. I will work on the rest of the parts with the selection of metallic colours below. Hopefully I can last before the medication kicks...

I'm not surprised...

Well, this is hardly surprising, Master Grade Full Armored Unicorn. I was wondering what took them so long. This will definitely be a hot item. Now question is, when will it be released? So far, those released are Unicorn Gundam Ver Ka, a Normal Unicorn Gundam and another one with MS Cage and now, this.  ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This month...

You know, when I was younger, I used to dread the seventh month which is also known to many as the Ghost Festival. This festival is celebrated by all Chinese in many countries. It is widely believed that ghosts and spirits are allowed to roam freely for this month. The deceased will visit the living. During this month, Hell money and food among other stuff were offered to these wandering spirits. Chinese operas and "Getais" (like a concert)...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Boss in town!

Our newest member, Gorilla Jack!!!  Just for LAUGH...

Delta Plus (First Look)

Spent the weekend assembling and sanding Delta Plus. I fiddled with it for awhile and so far, I am impressed. The design is slick and details are pretty good too. I especially like the head. Like the other transformable Gundams like Zeta Gundam and Zeta Plus, there is an issue about stability. This is due to the folding mechanism at the hips that allows transformation. Hence, it tends to wobble at that point. Other than that, this kit is a...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

MSN-001A1 Delta Plus

Finally I got my hands on this! Taking a break from my main project, I'm planning to do a quick build for this week. Think I will go for a metallic colour scheme for Delta Plus. A test of speed!  ...

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